Your One Stop Postal Ink Cartridge Supplies 

Leader in Refilling and Remanufacturing Postal Ink Cartridges


  • We buy your empties
  • Program to help you collect your own empties

  Three easy steps to get paid for your empties.


Collection info  and free labels sent right to your door.

Package and ship cartrdige to us with prepaid labels.
 3 Get Paid:
Get your check by mail in less than a week.

Please note:
We have a 6 cartridge minimum policy for all  4 models combined - Pitney Bowes 772-1, 766-8, Neopost/Hasler 4133780V and 4127175Q.
For example, if you are sending 2 different cartridge models, you must send at least 3 of each model, or the total quantity combined is 6 or more.

"Start collecting and get paid for your empties"  


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